Wednesday 27 August 2008
I'm sure most of you have seen this already, but yesterday the brand new update for the iFooty app went live on the iTunes store.
This version adds the basic stats to the league table screen and tightens up certain stability issues we found present in the previous version (of which there weren't many). It is a small update but i'm sure many of you will be happy with it. Rest assured we have a giant update coming up sometime real soon, with some really exciting new features. Stay tuned.
In other news, I am very happy to reveal that at long last, iFooty is going to be made available in the US iTunes store. I have heard from a lot of people asking why it's available everywhere except America and Canada right now, wondering if it would ever come. It has always been on the agenda to release it to everyone who wants it and now, I repeat, iFooty will be made available to American iPhone users, this week.
I am glad to see so many people still enjoying the app, and now anyone in the world who has an iPhone will be able to join in the fun and see the app that reached top spot in the UK in half a week and held on to that place ever since.