james debate
james debate

Wednesday 26 August 2009

Stories reverberate around the internet about Apple's fascism with regards to app developers, or eBay's appalling customer service. But every so often a story comes along that really makes you sit back and go "wtf?".

Today we have one such story, and from right here in our own Imperial College London.

digg sucks

It seems that an entire college dorm has found a way to piss off social media website Digg.com. We received this story from an anonymous engineering student living in the Beit student halls in South Kensington who was shocked to log into the public computer in the common room only to find that his Digg access had been disabled, with absolutely no explanation, warning, or contact of any kind from the kind people at Digg.

Shortly after this, around twenty more people contacted us to tell us that they too had found their accounts deleted under similarly mysterious circumstances. All these people had only one thing in common, that they had used this public computer to access their Digg accounts. Indeed it seems to be the case that everyone who had ever accessed Digg on that one computer now had their accounts suspended without any warning or explanation.

One student had this to say: "I rarely even use this site so it's not my problem, but I can't for the life of me figure out what happened."

Another added this: "I can't understand how they can just do this without even telling us, and then not even respond to our emails. It's pretty laughable really."

At the time of writing this article the Digg support team have so far declined to respond to any of the students' emails, nor had they replied to our request for information. It seems they may want to quietly sweep this under the rug and move on.

UPDATE: Thanks Alex for contacting us with this information. It seems that this article found its way briefly onto Digg itself, but has since been deleted. It now seems like all articles from this website will be removed, guess they don't want people reading about this.

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