Sunday 11 October 2009
New term, and two weeks in it's time to get down to some serious work, now that certain necessary distractions like the halfway dinner and pub crawl are out of the way.
Good news and bad news. Good news is I'm loving the new term. This more science based course full of lectures and labwork is much more my style and I'm loving the course material, despite the full schedule. In any case it's not half as busy as last year working in the hospital, and I feel so much more full of energy in my free time that I'm damn pleased to be here. Any of you signing up for film soc, book soc and art soc, look forward to seeing me there. In the meantime I'm also trying hard to track down the elusive wine and fine drinks society that appears to be more secretive than the skull n bones society, if it no longer exists rest assured i'll get it started back up.
Bad news is I'm loving this new term. It's no secret to most of you that I seriously disliked last year working in the hospital, and it definitely has me considering my options after this year. Stay tuned.
On a side note I'm having a good time at my temporary digs, despite how small they are, while I'm looking for a bigger, more permanent place. Those of you who have visited know how conveniently located it is as well, which is pretty damn awesome.
Ghostbusters is on tv now, and as a side note, I fucking HATE movies on tv with the commercials and everything.
Damn it